Sunday, April 2, 2017

What really is the feed?

The feed is really confusing to me. Like seriously, a book about technology and the mind? Like is there something I am missing. The cover of the book looks like a man taking in a lot of knowledge which made me think this book might just be one of those corny books. The first couple pages makes you think these people are just people who are into science and they went to the moon. Then I realized that maybe I was not thinking wisely into the book.

The feed is a piece of metal implanted into your head by the government so you basically have everything you need in your head. If you want to know who is the best basketball player right now (Lebron James A.K.A. my brother), you could literally think it and boom its there. They are literally talking to one another through the feed which to me is too much like why not use your mouth. I find this interesting though because the science we have today may just have the future like this.

Image result for mind gifsThe protagonist,Titus, takes a visit to the moon with his friends Loga, Link, Calista, Quendy, and Marty on a day I would be at a party if you ask me. The second line states," We went on a Friday,because it was shit-all to do at home". That line tells me that they were so bored that they decided to go to the moon which most people don't do. They went for entertainment which we go to parties,movies, and dates. Titus and his friends decided to get food which was interesting because I strongly believed they went to get food but they basically did all that in their heads. The whole thing with these chips really confused me but after a while I picked up that everything they are doing is being done in the mind.

When they returned to Earth they took some days off to recover from their trip from the moon. Even though they were hacked, they still somehow enjoyed themselves.Titus and his friends were partying, having a good time.I did notice that even though the way we live today is different, they still has their own way of living their lives.Except for them going to the moon because we don't go to the moon a lot. Technology today really focuses on if life is on Mars and if so then how long will people survive.

After a while I did notice that the teenagers started to try new things like messing with their feeds. I just didn't know if this could be a sign of curiosity or them trying to go against technology itself. I only say this because Titus says," Everything we've grown up with-the stories on the feed,the games,all of that-it's all streamlining our personalities so we're easier to sell to". Titus turned his feed off while he was talking to Violet which could mean she may be someone who is important to him. He never turned off his feed prior to meeting Violet which is something I found interesting but at the same time she may be a important role since he has never did this before. Hopefully Titus will start to think differently about his feed and doesn't depend on it as much.

 Violet  informed Titus that their feeds reads their personalities and the feeds have ads that will convince them to buy items based on their personalities. I noticed this has a lot of to do with what people do today with ads. They tell us to buy things and then we end up not even needed it or using it for our own good. Most companies only send out what they think you need so its beneficial to you. They don't know who you are but based on what technology has in the system, they assume what may be best for you. They use consumerism to play with the people today. Funny thing is society proves this book right because we base our minds off the internet. We use our phones all day everyday to find out anything we need. We don't know but we have social media and internet to prove us wrong or right. This is sad but true when it comes to our people today. We depend on technology too much and eventually it will come to a point that we will have chips in our head. Its like we already do though because we are so attached to phones,macs, and computers. 

I really can't wait to see what we learn from what  Titus and his friends will be doing during their adventures. They went from the moon to parties to the hospital. Now they are rested up but I want to know how important this girl is to him. She could be the one to go against the feed because he turned it off around her. I found it appalling but shit she makes me excited. 


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