Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Feed Is Eating Us Alive

I would say without technology, this world would not be so advanced today. Advancement in technology has helped our economy grow and move in a different direction. Technology has also harmed us, little do we know. I think that it has made us lazy and oblivious to situations that we are supposed to be paying attention to. When the internet was not that advanced, people had to go to the library and actually read or do the research by hand. People actually read the news paper and knew what was going on in the economy. Now, we are able to look different aspects or ideas up on our phones, tablets and other devices. We are more concerned with other people than ourselves! 

As years go on, I personally cannot imagine what our world would be with all of the new technology. I see commercials and adds about future flying cars or buses that are able to move on water and other crazy modifications to our current technology. We are constantly trying to compete against one another as well. 

That being said, what if our economy got so advanced and required everyone to have a chip in their brain? In less than two minutes, you were able to look up anything you wanted and keep track of the latest trends. Your answer would automatically be no and you would refuse to have a chip your brain. This is not the same for the individuals in the book Feed by M.T Anderson. 

 They Missed The Feed
Mary, Calista, Quendy,Titus, Link and Violet went to a club called the Rumble spot. After being at the party for a while, they notice this old guy dancing with some girls called "ripple chicks". The old man touched Titus and the rest of his friends. Titus began to start trending the same message as the old man to the rest of the people in the club. Everyone  begins to feels weird and start broadcasting "We enter a time of calamity" (Anderson 31). Once the police came and arrested the old man, Titus remembers the police saying "We're going to have to shut you off now. We're going to have to shut you off" They touched Titus and the rest of his friends and they fell to the ground (Anderson 31). 
The police had turned off their Feed until further notice. They felt empty and did not know what to do with themselves. 

I said WOW after reading that. Without the internet, people would feel empty, lonely, and are wanting to them to turn the Feed back on. Now what if that happened to us today? Instead of having computers, the computers were now in you brain. You could call someone using your brain. Without being on my phone for about an hour or two, I start to get jittery. 

Violet and Titus
Violet does not like the feed like Titus and the rest of their friends. She is considered the boring one out the group although that is not stopping Titus from hanging our with her. In chapter called Sniffling, Violet and Titus go to the mall. After they got back, Violet forwarded Titus all of the things she liked. She also sent him butterflies and lots of stuff to impress him. Violet is different because she does not use the Feed as much as everybody else. She enjoys reading and learning about things on her own. Being smart is looked down as being an outcast in the world with people who have the Feed. Titus thought that their relationship would not last long, but it is. 

The Real Issue Here 
The most important message is that living in a world where 73% of the people have Feeds is a scary world. Titus does not fully understand Violet or take interest in her words of knowledge because it is making him BORED. Violet told Titus about what was happening in the world and the latest news in South America. Violet believes that the U.S had a democracy. Titus missed her being playful and funny. Violet and Titus get into an argument about the economy being a republic or a democracy. Violet points out that "When you have the feed all your life, you're brought up to not think about things. Like them never telling you that it's a republic and not a democracy... because of the feed, we're raising a nation of idiots. Ignorant, self-centered idiots" (Anderson 93). 

She's Right!
The economy in the book Feed is exactly how our world is today. We do not have computers in our brains, but we are always on our mobile phones. We always searching for answers to our questions instead of learning about it ourselves. People who are born with the "Feed" do not know how to act normally. They are unable to think for themselves because they have to rely on the "Feed" to do it for them. People become end up becoming dummies due to the lack of education. They are also lazy and ignorant because they do not have to do manual work. Having access to the "feed" requires any work, it's just there for them. 

- Steven E 

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