Monday, April 3, 2017

Are You Hungry For the FEED?

So how would you feel if we became walking computers in the near future?
When you see how rapidly technology has advanced within the past 20 years, do you question how much we will continue to get out of it?

I find it interesting when I talk to older people who obviously lived without cell phones, computers, etc, and hearing their insight is almost mind numbing. I personally can't imagine a world without technology... cause I was born into one. But, some do say our generation has it harder because we're expected to be so tech-savvy.

I'm sure many people assume flying cars will be a thing someday, robots are definitely becoming more popular and prevalent in society... but seriously, have you ever thought about having a damn computer in your brain?

A book by M.T. Anderson tackles the idea of every human having a chip implanted in their brain from birth, used for pretty much everything. Now... this doesn't mean you would be intelligent as you think and kids still must attend school, but this book does bring up many 'What If' moments as you read.
I'm here to raise many questions I've been asking myself throughout reading, hopefully you ponder on these thoughts as much as I do.

One thing that really caught my attention is around page 54 of the book where a bunch of the teens lose their Feed. It amazed me how lost they were without their Feed, having to resort to VERBAL COMMUNICATION. Even the father of Titus was so programmed to using his Feed that when he went to visit him, it threw him off not using his Feed.

What I find so crazy about this is how reliant they are of their Feed, as if it completely gives them life.

Even with all the knowledge given to people in the Feed, most people seem to lack true intelligence or even street smarts; they are so dialed into their Feeds and it consumes their life.
I've realized that in this world Anderson created, the characters are so disconnected from nature, it doesn't really seem like a concern for anyone -- on page 4, Titus said, "...instead there's just the rockiness, and the suckiness, and the craters all being full of old broken shit, like domes nobody's using anymore and wrappers and claws."

Another question stemming from that last statement:
What's the point of traveling to different planets if us as humans are just going to slowly destroy it anyway? We can't even treat earth responsibly and take care of it as we should, that would definitely translate into other planets also. Maybe a planet would just become our dumping ground, there for nothing but our waste.

As you can see in these screen shots, I so cleverly thought of, Anderson speaks as if the world was destroyed in some way. Is it Earth he is talking about? I'm not too sure... he doesn't clearly state it here.

So... how bright do you think the future really is? Do you feel technology will advance for us in a positive way? Is technology a bad thing?

Here's what I think: To be honest, I always question how long this world will last (as blunt as that sounds). But collectively, we kinda treat the world like garbage. Not just with pollution/animal extinction/weather issues, what about war? What if technology takes a turn for the worst, meaning it shifts how people react towards each other, more greed, more hostility. People are going to want to keep up with the social norms, not everyone is fit for that. You can't let technology (video games, tv, your phone, etc) get to your head, be a human being and spend time with people without looking at your phone every two minutes. Personally, I feel its very refreshing to be spending time outside, trying to keep myself occupied with friends. I can't imagine a world where it's a regular thing to have a computer inside your mind, and barely use spoken communication, but instead instant messaging.

Now is the Feed something you think you'd be interested in?

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