Sunday, April 16, 2017

Feed Me More

Feed Me More!!!

   Is your brain hungry? Well I hope so because you are in for a very delicious treat. Your Chef for today will be the best of the best, the wisest of the wisest, chef curry with the pot, the one the only M.T
Anderson. And I'll be your server of knowledge today, so sit back, relax and let the feed take you.
    There is always a positive to a negative or a good to a  bad. I think we understand that M.T Anderson wrote this book for us to see the negative side of the future feed. A chip implanted inside of our brains at birth, giving us full access to the internet at  all times sounds really dope when you first hear it. However, when reading the book, we receive the negative point of view for the feed. While reading we are "programmed" to think negatively of the feed. The readers are influenced to resist the feed in the book. I know I'm going out on a limb here but maybe the feed isn't as bad as we've learned to believe.
Now you guys can take this how ever  you want too. But honestly lets not be biased here and just look at the feed from another perspective. Let's put ourselves in a position where we just never heard a speck of negativity toward this gift. Forget about all the negativity you've heard from the book and let's start all over.

Units and Unettes, BMW introduces you to our latest and greatest Upcar.  
Please excuse that interruption above, the feed does love to keep us updated on the latest gadgets out. Everything has ads now and days, but they're for our benefit as well. Anyways, the feed may have a lot of positive influences on society. For example, Link says that " the biggest thing about the feed , the thing that made it really big, is that it knows everything you want and hope for, sometimes before you even know what those things are."(p.48) With the feed you would never have to carry any source of tech around ever again. I mean just think, how many times have you ever misplaced or lost your phone? Try losing the feed or have someone steal it, sounds hysterical doesn't it? Something like that isn't just an object that belongs to you, it is so much more. Now it IS you. Oh yeah have you ever been in a situation where your phone, laptop tablet, etc.. died at the worse possible time? Yeah I know I have and having mental meltdowns aren't the best. With the feed we have all we need in one and we have it 24/7 24 hours a day forever.
Now honestly I'd low key prefer that over anything we have right now. Okay I lied, I'd high key prefer the feed over everything I mean this really does kicks any apple products ass. Hey man I know most of you might think I'm crazy but trust me the perspective is so different when you look at the brighter sides. Don't get me wrong though, I totally get that there are a few things wrong with the feed. There has to be due to a resistance against it. I really do find it great that someone like Violet Durn, a smart young lady who is old fashioned and resistant of the feed, to speak out about why it's wrong. Like I said before, everything has it's perks.  In fact ddsjv ;sosaondvinviidilsnxcvbmbm................  
Hello. On behalf of the Corporations I would like to apologize for this inconvenience. We here at the Corps would like nothing but positive reviews about our Feed to bring joy to our future consumers out there. We have no room for praise upon any negative force  that makes an attempt to negatively infect the poor minds of our units and unettes. We can assure you that the Feed offers nothing but efficiency and happiness to our users. We hope to see you soon. Now back to your positive influencer of the feed. Ummm Wow, that was a little freaky don't ya think? If it's one thing I can tell you, it is to never go against the corporation. I mean NEVER. Not even a little bit. We believe that M.T Anderson is teaching us that resistance and power against higher ranked people is the right thing to do. However maybe M.T Anderson is trying to tell us not to fight, not to resist, and not to think outside the box. Maybe we should be happy with the way technology treats us and how corporations are exceeding the boundaries of technology and expanding it. So maybe the Feed isn't all so bad. Maybe we'll be lucky to have it ourselves someday... if we already don't.

- Dante F

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