Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Mask

Okay... so today my friend Tyler was blowing up my messages talking about music and spreading ideas to me. In the messages, he sent a link to a dude who was breaking down MF Doom's many  aliases/characters he raps in the perspective of throughout his career.

An interview of MF Doom was shown around 3:25, (The Hypocrisy Of The DOOM Fan) and he begins to really dig deep about his purpose for wearing the mask:
He felt that hip hop began to be too much about how things look opposed to how they actually sound.
Continuing, he said to actually know what a person actually looked like, you had to go see them at a party before videos and access to the internet. Once hip hop started getting more publicized, it became more money oriented and less about skill. What he was getting at was that the lifestyle was glorified and talked about way too much, but Doom's theory is that it doesn't matter what he looks like or other artist look like, its about what they sound like. Therefore, he wears the mask to rebel against selling the product as a human being and to focus on the sound.
So you might be wondering what I'm getting at... well here it goes:
I'm not too sure who motivated these new rappers, or why the feel the need to glorify the lifestyle of the endless consumption of drugs, toting weapons (they don't even use), and other nonsense your
parents would probably hate to hear.

Accurate description of what I'm talking about, this people are pretty much around my age, still very young. Music has lost its substance, its mainly about flaunting what you have now, acting drugged out, and putting it all over a hard hitting beat. If you ask me, there's nothing fascinating about what most rappers have to offer these days, just about everyone sounds the same and has the same gimmick.



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