Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Feed

Image result for advanced technology"Everything must go" (299). This is what we are left with at the ending of the book. Could it be a double entendre or nothing more than the obvious meaning, "Warehouse's Final Sales Event! Stock is just flying off the shelves at prices so low you won't believe your feed! Everything must go! Everything must go. Everything must go. Everything must go" (299). Now if your me, you're thinking he's just tryna end the book with a dramatic effect, what more could it mean? But, if you're a professor or someone who can't believe the book ended, you're saying this definitely has two meanings! 

So, what else could "everything must go" mean? Well in the last chapter of the book Titus says, "Together, the two crazy kids grow, have madcap escapades, and learn an important lesson about love. They learn to resist the feed" (297-298). Titus finally wants to resist the feed. It's too bad it took the death of Violet to wake him up to what's actually going on.  What's going on, you may ask? Consumerism being highly prioritized over the importance of basic human life. Titus finally begins to realize that something is wrong with how Feed manages his life.

Image result for pangeaWhat I believe M.T. Anderson was trying to point across in "everything must go" is, you cannot have true change unless you start over. In this case getting rid of the Feed. How do you do that though? At first I wasn't sure on how this could be done, but then I thought, when your phone is on air plane mode you can't do anything except play games and listen to downloaded music. If you knock down all the connection towers, there is no Feed. Problem with that is, everything would be in havoc. Is that even the right direction to move society towards? Yes, it is the right move. Once the people know they are only being used to make corporations rich. People will begin to board the rebellions and eventually move closer and closer to shutting down the feed. 

What's the point though? Why resist and rebel against it? At the end of the day the Feed makes everyone’s lives easier. And whatever they advertise to you, you don't actually have to buy it. You're just more inclined to do so because of the ads and promotions. I honestly don’t see the reason why Titus wants to resist the Feed. I feel like he’s only resisting because it’s what Violet would have wanted. He has no passion to stop the Feed and with no passion you don’t get significant results. If Violet couldn’t resist the Feed, Titus surely won’t be able to do a damn thing.

Would Feed really be a bad thing to have? I don’t think so. The only negative I see in this technology is that people don’t speak physically and have difficulty talking to other people verbally. But, if you can message people it’s the same thing. They understand what you’re trying to say, so it can’t be all that bad. The opportunities people would have with Feed. All the daily activities could be done just by laying on your bed. No more school unless you wanted to do anything in the medical and science field; getting a career would be easier. The competition in getting a job, I guess, would be who can use their Feed more efficiently.

The Feed is a piece of technology that we will one day become close to having. I’m sure there is technology similar that we just don’t know about yet. Look at the Google Glass for example, you were literally seeing the internet through glasses. Or the VR glasses, where you’re put in a virtual reality and can interact with what’s around you. There’s even a wearable technology out there, basically you can project this piece of technology on your arm. Who would’ve thought that M.T. Anderson would have predicted so much on the advancement of technology.

Image result for feed mt andersonThe world cannot be without technology, nor can we stop it. Technology is beginning to be the factor that makes the world go round. The world is honestly the Feed already. We just don’t have the technology in our brains. Instead we have it on handheld screens. Everything we do is through our phones, calling, messaging, shopping, traveling, and watching. And it’s the best to be able to do all these things with just one device. Schools need to start having classes to teach students on how to utilize technology to their advantage. When students know how to use technology they are able to maximize their resources in order to be successful in life. And with students maximizing their resources, the world becomes a well produced global empire. So, we might as well become like the Feed because it will only advance us and benefit us.

-Riley S.E.

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